Thank you for your continued generosity, prayers, and participation in the ministry and mission of Saint Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church. Your efforts make so many things possible for our parish, community, and Church.
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church Services and Events
Weekly update for December 9 - December 15, 2024
The Parable of the Great Banquet
Services and events this week
Wednesday, December 11, Bible Study on Zoom - "The Acts of the Apostles" 7 PM
Saturday, December 14, Great Vespers 5 PM
Sunday, December 15, The Feast of the Holy Forefathers, Orthros 8:40 AM, Divine Liturgy 10 AM
The Pavel Family and the Maldonado Family To Be Made Catechumens
Sunday School following Holy Communion until 12:15 PM
Annual Church Meeting Following Liturgy - Lunch Served By Our Teen SOYO
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal After Sunday School
Fasting This Week
This week we continue to observe the Nativity Fast. Wednesday and Friday are strict fast days, where we fast from meat, dairy, eggs, fish, wine and olive oil. Monday and Tuesday are modified fasting days where we fast from meat, dairy and eggs, but fish, wine and olive oil are allowed. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday are modified fast days where we fast from meat, dairy, eggs and fish, but wine and olive oil are allowed. Have a blessed fast!
Looking Ahead
Monday, December 16, Advent Paraklesis 6 PM
Wednesday, December 18, Bible Study on Zoom - "The Acts of the Apostles" 7 PM
Thursday, December 19, Divine Liturgy for St. Ignatius the God-bearer, Bishop of Antioch 6 PM
Saturday, December 21, Sunday School Christmas Party 11 AM
Great Vespers with Litya/Artoklasia for the Sunday Before the Nativity 5 PM
Sunday, December 22, The Sunday Before the Nativity, Orthros 8:40 AM, Divine Liturgy 10 AM
Sunday School following Holy Communion until 12:15 PM
Sunday School Christmas Pageant Following Divine Liturgy
+Nazem Dahdal 6 Month Memorial 1:30 PM
Tuesday, December 24, Royal Hours 9 AM, Festal Matins 4 PM, Festal Divine Liturgy for the Nativity of Christ 5:30 PM
Join Our Bible Studies
St. Nicholas Adult Christian Education: The Acts of the Apostles, Wednesdays from 7PM. No Bible experience is necessary. All are welcome to join us!
The Maggie Shawah Scholarship Fund
Maggie Shawah was one of the founders, as a teacher she valued education. The mission is to assist with the higher educational costs.
Learn About Orthodoxy
God invites us to experience and participate in His love by offering ourselves to one another.
Buy A Brick Program
Purchase a Brick in memory or health of a loved one. The engraved brick will be placed in our court yard area in front of the Church.
You can access our latest bulletin by clicking here:
The Healing Sacrament of Confession - Confession is available between 9-945AM on Sunday mornings, after evening services, or by appointment. Please contact Fr. Romanos for more information or to schedule an appointment.